關於伙影 About Pyro Image
Taiwan boasts a wealth of talented visual storytellers, yet until now, no platform has fully supported these creators on their journey. With a commitment to "walking together with everyone," Pyro Image was founded to fill this gap.
「伙影」是台灣第一個以區塊鏈架構運作的影像敘事平台,也是 Google 倡導新聞數位創新的台灣資助夥伴。我們的目標,是利用 Web3.0 區塊鏈技術輔助,把具備台灣特色、觀點的影像報導行銷至全球。我們將專注挖掘在地議題、拓展國際視野,同時用影像突破語言框架,讓全球讀者都能以更深刻的方式認識台灣,也理解我們看待世界的視角,達成全球在地化目標。
As Taiwan's first visual storytelling platform built on a blockchain framework, Pyro Image is also a funding partner in Google's digital innovation initiative for news in Taiwan. Our mission is to leverage Web 3.0 blockchain technology to share Taiwan's unique perspectives and stories with the world through visually powerful reports. By focusing on local issues while broadening international reach, we aim to use visuals to transcend language barriers and enable global audiences to gain a richer understanding of Taiwan’s insights and worldview, achieving our goal of "global localization."
Pyro Image warmly invites talented visual creators to join us, especially those with innovative ideas who may lack the resources or technical means to bring their visions to life. Moving forward, we will bring together exceptional reporters and visual artists to produce impactful work and hold workshops across Taiwan to deepen the country's visual storytelling capabilities, contributing to sustainable community development.
在過去,人們會說世上有個 Magnum 通訊社。而在未來的 Web 3.0 時代,人們將說台灣有個「伙影」,而我們有你;我們一起。
In the past, people looked to Magnum as a global beacon in visual storytelling. In the Web 3.0 era, we aspire for Pyro Image to be that beacon in Taiwan—an agency that thrives because of creators like you, working and growing together.
伙影特色 Features
伙影不只是傳統的影像敘事平台與培力計畫,更是符合當代需求的數位影像平台。在 Numbers Protocal (主張數據有限公司)所提供的先進技術支援下,伙影上的所有影像作品,都將受區塊鏈技術保障,不可篡改變造、資訊透明可驗證、溯源,還可採用智能合約簡化合約授權流程,讓來自全球的購買者,能直接與獨立影像創作者進行交易,降低授權與交易的摩擦,進一步保障影像創作者的經濟獨立性,並且透過AI驗證軟體維護個人著作版權。
Pyro Image is more than just a traditional visual storytelling platform or empowerment program; it is a cutting-edge digital image platform designed to meet the demands of today’s creators and audiences. Powered by advanced technology from Numbers Protocol, a leading data advocacy company, Pyro Image ensures that all visual works are protected by blockchain technology. This guarantees immutability, transparency, traceability, and verifiable information for each piece of content.
Smart contracts further streamline the authorization process, enabling global buyers to transact directly with independent visual creators. This reduces friction in licensing and transactions, enhancing economic independence for creators. Additionally, AI verification tools safeguard personal copyright, ensuring creators maintain control over their work.
The Pyro Image editorial team is led by seasoned photojournalists Yu Zhiwei and Zhong Shengxiong from Zhe Photography Media Consulting Company. Together, they aim to unite talented visual creators and, with the support of modern technology, establish Taiwan’s first blockchain-based visual communication agency. Pyro Image is committed not only to maintaining the authenticity and depth of images and stories but also to becoming a reliable foundation for Taiwan’s visual creators, empowering them to thrive in the global digital economy.
年紀越大越不會自我介紹,中年危機。 ChatGPT 4o 形容他:「總的來說,從網路資料來看,鐘聖雄可能是一位文學創作者或學術人士,擁有豐富的文化和學術背景。如果你有更多具體的問題或需要進一步的信息,請告訴我。」
來自高雄,在大台北地區居住、生活,跟攝影一起死去。 新聞大眾傳播背景,主攻攝影,後來進修應用媒體及藝術。從事攝影記者工作超過20年,歷經台灣日報、蘋果日報、風傳媒和報導者,並且積極投入新聞攝影教育與推廣。
成立「哲攝 Philosophy Photography」品牌,致力攝影書共創與獨立出版,推動攝影書閱讀交流,規劃影像學習課程,提供影像企劃與執行。與鐘聖雄共同籌辦「伙影社」。
1999年出生於桃園,台越混血,現主要以攝影為創作媒介。試圖透過攝影尋找看似習以為常卻不常的狀態,曾以《母親父親》獲得2022年攝影上桌Photo Go獎、《水噹噹的金雲阿姨》入選「敘光室異常肖像」展,以攝影書作品《本是同根生》入圍2023年阿爾勒攝影節攝影書獎、入圍2024年新加坡攝影節攝影書獎。
「居住於台北的攝影師、影片與文字工作者,曾經在網路教育動畫公司 – 臺灣吧 – 擔任製作人,目前則是初出茅廬的雜誌攝影師。從小因為受國家地理攝影師們的啟發,而踏上影像的道路。主要關心台灣的人文故事與環境議題,夢想用影像來拓展對世界的認知,也為需要發聲的議題在社會上帶來影響力。」
現工作並居住於台北。 2005 年開始,以拍攝劇團、舞團、人物形象、影視劇照等知名。擔任 十 年以上金馬影展攝影師,主要項目為劇場劇照、電影劇照、活動紀錄、雜誌採訪、人物攝影、空間攝影。並長期與當代藝術家陳界仁合作小型影片、照片拍攝。